After the initial flurry of activity identifying the components of Peter Capaldi’s costume, the dust is beginning to settle and some more measured IDs are coming to light.

The cardigan is a case in point.
Sometimes there are trends in fashion, such that a number of different designers will draw inspiration from the same source and produce garments with an uncanny similarity.

Fans were quick to notice that Cromie, as well as supplying the coat, also had a cardigan on their website which looks exactly like the screen-worn costume. It made a certain sense that that had been bought from the same supplier.

However, since then an article on the
Daily Telegraph website has given a more astute insight into the costume.
It throws aside the Doc Marten’s (as has many fans); it casts some doubt over the exact source of the coat - saying that Crombie can be regarded as a style as well as a maker; and it quiet drops in that Jhn Smedley made the cardigan.
What was that?
Well, digging a little deeper it would appear this is true, as the official John Smedley blog caries a story about the cardigan.
John Smedley blog - I Spy Smedley
It is their Cavendish cardigan in the colourway Midnight from the Autumn/Winter 2013 range, which was briefly available at 40% off.
This offer seems to have expired now, and the cardigan has ben carried forward into their Spring/Summer 2014 range, so at least it is still available.
At time of writing XS, M and L were out of stock.
John Smedley - Cavendish In Midnight
As an aside, the jumpers worn by Christopher Ecceslton were by John Smedley too!