Friday, 31 January 2014

The Capaldi look -
definitive ID on the boots

Since the initial BBC press release there has been some speculation on the correct ID for the boots Peter Capaldi is wearing as the Twelfth Doctor.

According to the statement they were Doc Marten’s, but this was quickly question by keen-eyed fans who were more taken with the Loakes Black Smooth Leather Brogue Boot.

This has been debated on the forums for the past couple of days, but now an article has appeared on The Drum website which seems to conclusive prove them to be the Loakes.

Peter Capaldi’s Dr Who boots identified as £215 Loake loafers not Dr. Martens

That will be that then!


  1. The site of the shop in camden has added the photo of capaldi to their front page and detailed they are the new doctors boots. So despite this dodgy press story (How can boots be loafers??) It seems correct.

  2. I recently purchased the last pair of these boots from the Camder sho in my size! :)


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